Scarborough Animal Hospital is proud to offer state-of-the-art facilities and equipment for surgical procedures. Our hospital provides a full range of surgical services ranging from standard spaying and neutering to highly specialized procedures.
Before Surgery
- All patients are given a complete physical examination
- Pre-anesthetic blood testing may be recommended for your pet
- Food should be withheld for 12 hours prior to scheduled surgery (Dogs & Cats Only)
During Surgery
- Your pet will receive state of the art gas anesthesia
- The surgery table is heated and additional heat is provided as needed
- All patients have vital signs carefully monitored during surgery and recovery.
After Surgery
- You are welcome to check on your pet’s progress, feel free to call us!
Patient safety and comfort is our main priority. Scarborough Animal Hospital’s experienced veterinary anesthesiologists provide skilled pain management during and after all surgical procedures.
Our veterinary team will walk you through the entire process, giving you the tools to make informed decisions regarding your pet’s treatment options.
We understand surgery is a stressful time for any owner, and we’re available every step of the way to answer questions and put your mind at ease.
Give us a call or Make An Appointment online.